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Quick FBI Police Clearance

Before you opt for Quick FBI Clearance, you should know the facts about it. 


What is Quick FBI Police Clearance?

Quick FBI Police Clearance means you get your Police Clearance Certificate from FBI in a very short amount of time in compare to generic FBI PCC.


What is the time difference between a Quick FBI Police Clearance and a Generic FBI Police Clearance?

Generic FBI PCC takes 10-12 WEEKS, and Quick FBI PCC takes only 10-15 Days.


What is the price difference?

To know the difference in price, kindly make a call to 09868106032  or email to info@jkconsultancy.in.


How can i opt for Quick FBI Police Clearance?

You have to tell us clearly about the timings, and we will avail Quick FBI PCC for you. Minor extra charges will occur for that!


Am i eligible to opt for Quick FBI Police Clearance?

Quick FBI Police Clearance is available  for the USA Citizen, a green card holders, Legal Residence of USA having a USA address. If do not have these, you are not eligible.


How we help you to get Quick FBI Police Clearance?

We make your FBI Police Clearance done quickly when you have less time. Generally it takes 10-12 weeks to get FBI PCC, but when you opt for quick service, we can get it done within 10-15 days only.

We handle the complete application process and including the FBI’s processing fee of US$18.00. Contact Us and we will record your fingerprints on FBI  FD-258 fingerprint card and send them to the FBI’s approved channellers to get them submitted electronically to the FBI.

The main benefit of quick FBI Police Clearance is that its reduces time a lot with 100% success rate!